When the site loads, you will find that it uses a dark color all around. This is Instagram’s official site with a parameter at the end telling the site to use a dark theme. GetHuman5869867 did not yet indicate what Instagram should do to make this right. In a web browser on your Windows, Mac, Linux, or Chromebook computer, copy and paste the following URL into your address bar and hit Enter. I am sending the picture and they are circled in red to specify the inappropriateness of the post.***I suggest that Instagram take actions on these inappropriate contents as soon as possible and would appreciate a quick response from this. They are in Korean so if necessary I think it needs to be transferred to someone in the department who can speak Korean. This is absolutely getting out of control and I strongly ask that the pictures and the account be deleted right away.***The picture seems normal but the messages underneath every one of them contains things that are sexual and inappropriate and I have reported them on Instagram but they got back to me saying that they cannot delete the picture or the account as they did not find anything wrong with it? I really wonder what the process is when it comes to going through the reported contents because there definitely is something wrong with the messages written underneath the picture. Hello,**my name is Mi So Yang and I am reporting an account on Instgram.**It's yong*in*kwonsol.**It is my ex using someone else's picture intended to harass me and he even tagged my workplace.